Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here I Go...

I have known that I wanted to begin writing a blog for my upcoming mission trip to Africa. It's been very hard for me to get started because of people reading what I write. I have no confidence in my writing ability. And there is the problem. That word, I. It seems a lot of my sentences begin that way. If I am going to fully increase the Lord in my life, I need to put self away. It's simply a pride issue. Luckily, Jesus said to become as little children, so if my blogs sound simple and childlike, it's ok. To fully Increase Him in my life, I have to put away any plans that I may have for my life. I'm either for Him, or against Him. When I put my agenda, wants, needs into play, I'm automatically against Him. Another pride issue. Anything that I do on my own closes God out. Even his name, "I AM" shows this. He is everything I need Him to be. I can just fill in the blank for Him. "I AM ____________." Whatever I may need at any given time, He is that for me. My identity needs to be in Him. I am a child of God and that is all I need to be.

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